Negin Specialized Dental and Oral Clinic Oral Health | Dental Aesthetics


+987136276289 +989900439004

Unit 18, Ibn Sina Medical Building, Zargari Intersection towards Chamran blvd, Shiraz, Iran

Saturday to Wednesday: 9:00 to 21:00

Thursday: 9:00 to 14:00
Friday: Closed

Negin Clinic Stomatology Services

Diagnosis, specimen collection, and treatment of oral lesions and disorders

The oral cavity is one of the most essential and vital parts of the body. Throughout the day, speaking, eating, and even facial aesthetics rely on the proper functioning of this area.

Treatment of various types of oral ulcers, including pemphigus, lichen planus, oral herpes, canker sores, and gingivitis

Oral ulcers can be divided into two categories: acute and chronic ulcers. Acute ulcers include conditions such as canker sores, thrush, drug and food allergies, which most of us have encountered at some point.

Treatment of salivary gland disorders, dry mouth, and Sjögren's syndrome

Dry mouth is a common sensation we experience when we are anxious or stressed. In this condition, the tongue moves with difficulty, speaking becomes challenging, and there is a strong sense of thirst and choking.

Treatment of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders

The phrase “My jaw makes noise” is familiar to you, right? If you or someone you know has experienced this phrase, then you should know that you have a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder.

Dentistry for patients with medical conditions (transplant patients, diabetic patients, pregnant women, cardiac patients)

Patients with specific medical backgrounds, such as cardiac patients, pregnant women, or patients prior to any transplant, require special dental and medical care provisions

Laser services in the oral cavity

Laser dentistry is considered an innovative therapeutic service in dentistry. Low-power and high-power lasers have different functions within the oral environment. Pain-free and bloodless tissue cutting is possible with the assistance of lasers.

Care for cancer patients

We hope you never come close to cancer, but unfortunately, unhealthy dietary habits such as alcohol consumption and tobacco use, all of which are risk factors for developing cancer, have become very common nowadays.

Dental services under anesthesia

If you have a great fear of dentistry, don’t worry. You can easily undergo all dental treatments under anesthesia and not remember anything.

Various therapeutic and cosmetic injections in the head and face using Botox

Fillers or hyaluronic acids are used to volumize the face. As we age, the tissues of the body and face undergo atrophy, becoming smaller and showing signs of aging.

Rapid screening for oral HPV

Rapid screening for oral HPV encompasses over 120 types, with approximately 25 types known to be associated with oral lesions. This virus can lead to the proliferation of epithelial cells in the oral mucosa

Diagnosis and treatment of facial pain and headaches

Facial pain is not always dental-related. Sometimes facial nerves can be the cause of the pain, and incorrect dental treatment can potentially harm the teeth. Therefore, accurate diagnosis is essential

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